



E-mail: tanghj@scau.edu.cn






博士1999-2002, 中科院水生生物研究所


本科1992-1996 华中农业大学水产学院




华南农业大学(2005-2010) 动物科学学院,讲师

中山大学 (2002-2005), 环境科学与工程学院,讲师


1. 实用新型专利证书一:一种附着藻类采样器,发明人:唐汇娟

2. 实用新型专利证书二:用于培养微藻的防水防附着 LED 灯,发明人:唐汇娟


1.     Wenqi Zhang, Yongyan Deng, Zixin Yang, Qing Kong, Peiqin Liu, Hongping Liao, Huijuan Tang, Effects of partial replacement of fishmeal with Spirulina platensis powder and addition of Spirulina platensis polysaccharide on growth, nutrition, antioxidant capacity and gut microbiota of Micropterus salmoides, Aquaculture, 2024,740802, (通讯作者)

2.     Yongyan Deng, Wenqi Zhang, Zixin Yang, Qing Kong, Peiqin Liu, Hongping Liao, Zongbin Cui, Huijuan Tang, Dietary Lactobacillus plantarum can alleviate high starch diet-induced liver lipid deposition, tissue damage and oxidative stress in largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides), Aquaculture Reports, 202435, 101955. (通讯作者)

3.     Yang, Z.; Liu, P.; Kong, Q.; Deng, Y.; Zhang, W.; Xu, G.; Tang, H. Effects of Co-Fermented Feed Using Lactobacillus acidophilus, Limosilactobacillus reuteri and Lactiplantibacillus plantarum on Growth, Antioxidant Capacity, Fatty Acids and Gut Microbiota of Largemouth Bass (Micropterus salmoides). Fishes 2023, 8, 433. (共同通讯作者)

4.     Hongping Liao, Peiqin Liu, Yongyan Deng, Wenqi Zhang, Ciguang Pan, Youming Jia, Feiping Long, Huijuan Tang*. Feeding effects of low-level fish mealreplacement by algal meals of Schizochytrium limacinum and Nannochloropsis salina on largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides), Aquaculture, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aquaculture.2022.738311. (通讯作者).

5.     Liu, P.; Liao, H.; Deng, Y.; Zhang, W.; Zhou, Z.; Sun, D.; Ke, Z.; Zhou, A.; Tang, H. Microplastic Pollution and Its Potential Correlation with Environmental Factors in Daya Bay, South China Sea. J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 2023, 11, 1465. (通讯作者)

6.     Chong Wang, Di Sun, Muhammad Junaid, Shaolin Xie, Guohuan Xu, Xiang Li, Huijuan Tang*, Jixing Zou*, Aiguo Zhou*. Effects of tidal action on the stability of microbiota, antibiotic resistance genes, and microplastics in the Pearl River Estuary, Guangzhou, China. Chemosphere,2023,327,138485(共同通讯作者)

7.     Zhou A., Sun Di , Chong Wang., Yuliang Chen., Shaolin Xie., Peiqin Liu., Guohuan Xu*., Huijuan Tang*., Jixing Zou*. Characteristics and differences of microplastics ingestion for farmed fish with different water depths, feeding habits and diets. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 2022, 10(2): 107189.(共同通讯作者)

8.     Hongping Liao, Ciguang Pan, Lian Gan, Ciguang Pan, Huijuan Tang*. Distribution of Geochemical Fractions of Phosphorus in Surface Sediment in Daya Bay, China. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2020, 17(12): 4430. (通讯作者).

9.     杨梓欣,邓泳妍,张文琦等. 茶多酚、鱼骨粉复合制剂对福瑞鲤生长性能、消化及抗氧化能力的影响[J]. 饲料工业, 2024, 45 (04): 44-50. DOI:10.13302/j.cnki.fi.2024.04.008.(通讯作者)

10.   廖洪平,张文琦,邓泳妍等. 珍珠龙胆石斑鱼高位养殖池塘氮磷动态及收支的研究 [J]. 华中农业大学学报, 2023, 42 (01): 92-99. DOI:10.13300/j.cnki.hnlkxb.2023.01.012.(通讯作者)

11.   唐汇娟,刘培钦,伍洁丽等. 广西洪潮江水库浮游植物功能类群及其对环境因子响应 [J]. 水生态学杂志, 2022, 43 (06): 85-91. DOI:10.15928/j.1674-3075.202105120145.(通讯作者

12. 唐汇娟,孔重敏,张轩豪,郝乐,余祥勇,刘丽*. 零换水条件下枯草芽孢杆菌和糖蜜对水质和罗非鱼生长影响的研究华中农业大学学报(自然科学版). 2018. 582-86.   

13. Boxing LiMinghai Chen, Hongping Liao, Yiyi Sun, Huijuan Tang. Combined Effects of Dietary Phosphorus Level and Polyculture on Fish Production, Water Quality and Plankton Composition in Intensive Culture of Crucian Carp. The Israeli Journal of Aquaculture - Bamidgeh, IJA_70.2018.1516 (通讯作者).

14.Sun Y, Li B, Zhang X, Chen M, Tang H, Yu X. Dietary available phosphorus requirement of crucian carp, Carassius auratus. Aquacult Nutr. 2018, 24:14941501.(通讯作者)

15.  Huijuan Tang, Zhixin Ke , Muting Yan, Wenjing Wang, Huayue Nie , Boxing LiJingping Zhang , Xiangrong Xu and Jun Wang*. Concentrations, Distribution, and Ecological Risk Assessment of Heavy Metals in Daya Bay, China. Water 2018, 10, 80; doi:10.3390/w10060080

16.  Sun, Y., Chen, M., Kong, C., Tang, H., Gan, L., Enclosure experiment of effects of dietary phosphorus level on water quality, phosphorus budget, and plankton composition in intensive culture of crucian carp. Aquacult Int, 2017, 25: 1145.(通讯作者)

17. Chen, M. H., Sun, Y. H., Kong, C. M., Tang, H. J., Gan, L., Effect of dietary phosphorus levels on growth and body composition of crucian carp, Carassius auratus under indoor and outdoor experiments. Aquacult Nutr, 2017, 23: 702–709.(通讯作者)

18. 陈明海,唐汇娟,孙依依丰产鲫精养池塘氮磷的动态与收支华中农业大学学报,2015, 322):95-100.(通讯作者)

19.  Tang, Huijuan, Vanderploeg Henry A., et al., 2014. Quagga mussel (Dreissena rostriformis bugensis) selective feeding of phytoplankton in Saginaw Bay, J Great Lakes Res. 40(S1): 83-94.



1.广州市科技重点研发计划, No.2023B03J1359, 大口黑鲈高效绿色生态养殖综合技术应用研究, 2023-04 2026-03,主持

2.广州市科技重点研发计划, No. 2023B03J1328, 面向水产养殖的高效机动水下自主巡检仿生机器鱼研发及应用, 2023-04  2026-03, 合作主持

3.广东省科技特派员项目, 2021-09  2024-08, 30万元,主持




7.南沙区农业农村局, 横向项目, 8000/H20569, 南沙区典型养殖池塘磷排放研究, 2020-07  2022- 05, 结题, 主持;





12.国家自然科学基金,亚热带贫营养水库中超微型浮游植物的生态学研究2009.1-2011.12,  20万,已结题,主持。


14.中科院南京地理湖泊研究所合作项目,洪泽湖浮游植物群落结构分析。2013 3.5万,已结题,主持。
